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Funds Expense Ratio
Funds Expense Ratio

Funds Expense Ratio – as of 31 August 2024

Use this tool to get the fund expense ratio of our mutual fund and pension schemes.

Fund Govt Levy Exp Ratio Exc Govt Levy
AIAAF 0.07% 0.57%
AIAIF 0.25% 1.43%
AICF 0.20% 0.91%
AIRSF-DSF 0.25% 1.66%
AIRSF-ESF 0.05% 0.34%
AIRSF-MMSF 0.26% 1.70%
AIKPK-MMSF 0.14% 1.28%
UBKPK-MMSF 0.15% 1.00%
AISF 0.19% 1.11%
ASSF 0.10% 0.71%
UAAF 0.05% 0.31%
UCF 0.25% 1.27%
UFSF 0.11% 0.71%
UGIF 0.22% 1.39%
UGSF 0.24% 1.44%
UIOF 0.22% 1.39%
ULPF 0.26% 1.34%
UMMF 0.25% 1.27%
URSF-CSF 0.03% 1.07%
URSF-DSF 0.24% 1.57%
URSF-ESF 0.05% 0.35%
URSF-MMSF 0.24% 1.49%
USF 0.10% 0.69%
USSP-V 0.36% 2.09%
AIEF 0.10% 0.71%
UBLP-ETF 0.04% 0.40%
AIAIP-I 0.18% 1.00%
AICP-I 0.18% 1.03%
AIIF 0.15% 1.22%
AIFRP-I-G 0.21% 0.96%
AIFRP-I-H 0.08% 0.07%
AIFRP-I-I 0.11% -0.41%
AIFRP-I-J 0.17% 0.70%
AIFRP-I-K 0.08% 0.08%
AIFRP-I-L 0.08% 0.08%
UFRP-III-G 0.12% 0.30%
UFRP-III-K 0.24% 1.30%
UFRP-II-M 0.10% 0.18%
UFRP-II-N 0.18% 1.14%
UFRP-IV-C 0.26% 1.46%
UFRP-IV-D 0.29% 1.90%
UFRP-IV-E 0.14% 0.50%
UFRP-I-H 0.23% 1.52%
USSP-X 0.23% 1.23%
UFRP-II-F 0.25% 1.55%
AIFRP-I-M 0.01% 0.01%
UFRP-IV-G 0.03% 0.01%
UFRP-IV-F 0.23% 1.16%
UFRP-III-N 0.38% -0.38%
UFRP-II-P 0.05% 0.03%
UFRP-II-Q 0.12% 0.56%

Note: The Total Expense Ratio (TER) have been calculated in accordance with the SECP Direction No. 23 of 2016

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