Ghair Yaqeeni Halaat Mein
Yaqeeni Munafa!
UBL Fixed Return Plan-I(k) is an Allocation Plan under “UBL Fixed Return Fund” that offers 20.3% p.a. fixed return upon maturity to its investors.
Key Benefits:
✓ Competitive Returns
✓ Fixed return upon maturity
✓ High Credit Quality Instruments

Invest wisely, Invest today in UFRP-I(k)
Subscription is open till: Apr 20, 2023
For more details click here:
Disclaimer: All Investments in Mutual Funds are subject to market risks. The NAV of Units may go down or up based on the market conditions and there are no guaranteed returns. The investors are advised in their own interest to carefully read the contents of the Consolidated Offering Document, in particular the Investment
Policies mentioned in Clause 2.2.29, Risk Factors mentioned in clause 2.9, Taxation Policies mentioned in Clause 7 and Warnings & Disclaimers in Clause 9 in Consolidated Offering Document before making any investment decision. Use of name and logo of UBL Bank Ltd as given above does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/obligations of UBL Fund Managers or any investment scheme managed by it.

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