Unit Holders of UBL Stock Advantage Fund (USF), UBL Financial Sector Fund (UFSF), UBL Growth & Income Fund (UGIF), Al-Ameen Shariah Stock Fund (ASSF) and Al Ameen Islamic Energy Fund (AIEF) are hereby notified that the “Management Fee” of the Funds has been amended.
The Management Fee is now increased from 2% of net assets per anum to up to 3% of net assets per anum for USF, UFSF, ASSF & AIEF as mentioned in the 7th Supplementary Offering Document of USF, 3rd Supplementary Offering Document of UFSF, 6th Supplementary Offering Document of ASSF and 3rd Supplementary Offering Document of AIEF through approval received from Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) dated May 7, 2021.
The Management fee of UGIF is increased from 8% to up to 15% of daily gross earnings as mentioned in 5th Supplementary Offering Document of the UGIF, with respect to the approval received from Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) dated May 7, 2021.
Above change will be effective from Monday, June 07, 2021.
The relevant supplementary Offering Document reflecting above change is available on the company website www.ublfunds.com. For details, please contact:
For details, please contact:
UBL Fund Managers Limited – Head Office
4th floor, STSM Building, Beaumont Road, Civil Lines, Karachi
You may also call our Customer Care Unit at 0800-00026.