Long terms performance really matters
when making decision regarding your retirement planning.
UBL Retirement Savings Fund (URSF)-Equity Sub-Fund has been the best performing Fund as compared to its peers in the last 10 years (Dec’2020-Dec’2020) by a significant margin.

Invest wisely, Invest today in URSF
Disclaimer: All investment in pension funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Consolidated Offering document to understand the investment policies, taxation, free takaful cover and risks involved. Sections 63 and 23A/B/C (of 2nd Schedule) of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 govern taxation of pension schemes.
Note: A free Takaful cover up to Rs.5 Million is available to eligible investors of UBL Retirement Savings Fund subject to conditions in Annexure ‘A’ of Consolidated Offering document. Pak Qatar Family Takaful is not a product of UBL Fund Managers.

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